Reflections from P-TECH Poland Students
Dawid Nadolny
What was the most exciting part of the NOSPR AI project for you?
The most exciting part was the application test itself, because I could see the result of my own contribution and what we all managed to create.
What have you learned while participating in this project?
I learned a lot about creativity and that sometimes it takes time to create something interesting.

Marek Szlafke
What made you want toparticipatein the NOSPR AI project?
I was happy to takepart in a project that gave me the opportunity to see how artificial intelligence works and what working with it involves. It was an interesting and new experience for me.
Was there anything that surprised you about the project?
I did not expect that the classical music presented at the NOSPR would make such an impression on me.

Piotr Scholz
Was there anything that surprised you during your involvement in the NOSPR AI project? What was it?
This may not be directly related to the NOSPR project, butthe fact, that I was to get a mentor surprised me a lot. The second thing was recording for the NOSPR, I had no idea it was so easy to record footage.
What do you expect from the P-TECH program?
If everything goes well, I think I will go to university in the field of database administration, and after graduation I will have the opportunity to find a good job, for example at IBM.

Paweł Gawłowski
Did you encounter any challenges during the NOSPR AI project?
The challenge for me was to come up on my own with questions about songs that I heard for the first time.
What do you expect from the P-TECH program?
This program gives me the opportunity to expand my IT skills, and in the futureI would like to work as an IT professional.